We help guide employers

as they protect their team from the financial stress

of being injured or sick.


We Help You Deliver Tomorrow's Technology ~ Today

Partnering with industry experts, we help small and medium sized business owners optimize results;

attracting and retaining the best talent to meet challenges both today and those over the horizon.

With rising inflation, workforce changes and increasing medical costs,

The Time for Rethinking Change is Now.

Employee Satisfaction

Helping employees understand what is right for them begins with knowledge. Look back. Look forward. Look within. Our mission is to bring people comfort and confidence when it comes to their healthcare and wellness decisions. Whether the enrollment is in-person or remote, there isn't a "one-size-fits-all" answer to success. At the core of the problem, choosing and understanding benefits is a complex and confusing process for most employees. From understanding benefits jargon like deductibles, co-pays, in-networks, out-of-networks, what’s covered, what’s not covered, voluntary plans, and more, to the lack of comprehensive education behind their decision-making, it makes the selection process extremely difficult.

The solution: Our benefit counselors ask a series of approachable questions about lifestyle, medical history, family planning, together with income and future obligations. Offering every member of your team a free financial blueprint featuring one-on-one coaching, webinars and more allows them to decide what is right for their unique needs and situation. This enables each person to see where they will be in three months, three years and at retirement. They can better navigate towards desired results, make informed choices, and to sleep well at night. Helping employees "right size" their benefits and not overspend is important to satisfaction and sustainability.

People are connected now more than ever. You are the hero when you bring Employee-First technologies to your team. We help you provide integrated and secured access available at your team's fingertips through advanced Smartphone technologies that connect with:

  • Benefits:

    1. Enrollment & Coverage;

    2. Providers: Discover who is in or out-of-network and provides alternatives;

    3. Real Time claim status, remaining deductibles, and max Out Of Pocket; and

    4. Easy Claim Processing

  • Human Resources: Communication tools remind employees to access preventative care. Tracks utilization of benefits, identifies where to purchase lowest cost prescriptions and reminds them of continuing education requirements.

  • Payroll:

    1. What meets your needs;

    2. What technologies will improve service and employee satisfaction;

    3. What simplifies your and your employees world

The result is a user-friendly benefits experience and our APIs not only simplify the enrollment process, but increases efficiency making for a better overall experience.

Enrollment Solutions and Technologies

Let our technologies do the heavy lifting so you don't have to. We can put technologies in place to make transitions error free together with access over 10,000 locally licensed benefit counselors throughout the United State, helping employees make the fully informed choices, tailored their specific needs. We source guides who are:

  • multi-lingual;

  • multi-site; and

  • multi-shift, and

1-on-1 comprehensive enrollment via:

  • In-person at worksite

  • Co-browse via Zoom, GoToMeeting and other Video Conferencing mediums

  • Via Call Center; and

  • Web Based Self Enrollment;

Change is always happening. Rethinking routine and asking “why not?” makes new opportunities possible.

We complete pre-conversion and post-enrollment auditing. Our systems help safeguard you against unwelcome surprises. Virtual portals allow employees to initiate permitted changes in a secured environment.

Some of the key benefits of API integrations:

  • It takes policy creation and implementation from 6 to 12 weeks down to roughly 12 minutes. This saves HR hundreds of hours and decreases human-made errors.

  • It provides instant, real-time data and updates. It also lowers billing and payroll discrepancies, saving the company money and time.

  • Coverage determinations are immediate.

  • It provides an 85% increase in employee satisfaction and completion rates.

  • It removes challenges surrounding post-enrollment access to care.

360° Payroll, Benefits, HR & Employee Integration

You are the hero when you bring Employee-First technologies to your team. Partnered with the nations' top ranked payroll companies, we facilitate 360° integration between each employee, your company, the payroll vendor and all of the carriers, through an encrypted and secure environment.

  1. Employees have 24/7 access to their benefit and payroll information.

  2. Employees enter in their own information, acknowledge job responsibilities, and company policies;

  3. Company receives data and if appropriate, hires them. Software tracks assigned equipment, and when eligible initiates enrollment;

  4. Reminds supervisors of employee reviews; and

  5. Tracks and maintains continuing education requirements;

  6. "Live Feeds" creates continuous communication with each carrier of record;

Why We Partner With You

Our success depends on your success. We don't succeed unless you succeed. That's why we have a responsive team of professionals at every level, in every area, to help you with any challenge. We create affordability-based strategies. Real support means experts backing you up. You'll be armed with the integrative technologies and innovative tools to take you to the next level. Our accomplished industry leaders will help you implement successful formulas and execute strategies with the tools that directly lead to your optimal outcome. We understand the unique challenges that companies face and determine the appropriate benefit levels and the value price points for your product offerings. We utilize expertise in employee benefits and integrated payroll systems to work with a select clientele who value personalized service and excellence.

We thrive together. If it doesn’t work for you, it won’t work for us. We help you decide which benefits are right for your company. What products and process will enable you reach your goals of recruitment and retention with solutions to stabilize the bottom line. Keeping you ahead of your competitors facilitates recruiting and retaining the best talent in your industry. This in turn improves market share and profits which can be re-invested. A stronger bottom line leads to sustainability when tough challenges arrive.

Our Mission

Independent thinking and shopping outside the box, unchained by convention, allows us the freedom to stay on the leading edge and provide you the best of that what is allowable under law. People are the heart of everything we do – from our clients to our employees to our partners. Our brand represents our commitment to that partnership. They’ve helped shape who we are today. Together, we’ll help you shape tomorrow. We believe this ownership model best supports our mission to be your guide of choice.

  1. The recipe for attracting the best team at a competitive cost requires a strategic vision, a creative approach to benefits plan design, and a relentless commitment to flawless execution.

  2. Why? Your team is your number one asset. Nothing works without talent. Employees will stay and even struggle under adverse circumstances if they have decent benefits and work environment. They may move to a company that offers better benefits. After pay, benefits are the number 1 reason employees give regarding employment decisions; work environment is number 3. 90% of employees say Benefits Really Do Matter

  3. We help you build strategies to reach your goals of tomorrow, today; then we help you implement them. Inspiring healthy outcomes creates value. Rewarding healthy outcomes creates a cycle that bends the cost curve. Utilizing technology to improve experience facilitates efficiency. We help you stay ahead of the competition by researching pending regulations, industry trends and product development.

  4. Find out if your benefits solutions are meeting or exceeding, the new generation standard at no cost.

Voluntary Benefits

Deductibles, copays, coinsurance obligations can be challenging. When sick or injured, those costs add to existing financial responsibilities for groceries, child care, car payments, and rent or mortgage. Voluntary benefits can help relieve financial stresses and fill in potential gaps. Which value driven options (group priced with individual choice) are available to your team, such as:

  1. Hospital Confinement / Medical Bridge Insurance

  2. Accident Indemnity Insurance

  3. Specified Illness / Critical Care with Cancer Indemnity Insurance

  4. Short Term Disability Insurance;

  5. Term, Whole Life and Universal Life Insurance.

Fully Insured, Level Funded & More

We match your benefit needs to your business needs by providing a wide array of affordable health insurance solutions. We are a full service health insurance agency representing all of the major health insurance carriers. We work with your management team to discern what benefit plans make the most sense for your team.

  • Fully Insured Traditional Plans;

  • Level Funded Plans;

  • Gap Plans (primary, secondary & voluntary);

  • Minimum Essential Coverage ("MEC") Plans ;

  • Access plans starting at $10 per month per employee;

    • Ideally suited to pair with medical cost sharing plans and preventative health care plans;

  • Worksite indemnity plans which cost employers $0;

  • HRA's, HSA's, FSA's, QSEHRA's, ICHRA's, & EHBRA's

  • Third Party Administrators & Vendors:

    • Cobra;

    • Workers Comp. Insurance;

    • 401K's, Simple IRA's, SEP IRA's 401Ks & 403B's

Transitioning out of a PEO - We Make the Complex Easy

Professional Employment Organizations ("PEO's") were once an optimal answer for many companies (especially in the nineties). Employers could delegate most or nearly all of the Human Resource and Payroll responsibilities to the PEO and focus on their business.

Why did that model largely fail and how you can best adapt.

  • Dissemination of Newer Technologies ~ PEO's trying to catch up and remain competitive;

  • Employees and Employers demand personalized help now;

  • Self Insured Plans - Who profits from your plan? ;

  • Before you commit, learn, discern and compare:

    • Current administrative costs;

    • Transparent pricing alternatives;

    • Upgraded administrative and employee level technologies;

    • Timing; and

    • Avoid FICA and other payroll deduction resets;

Prior to a transition we provide a complimentary pre-transition data stream test environment. Once everything balances including: payroll, deductions and carrier reports, you can "Pull the PEO plug" with the confidence your transition will be error free. Many clients retain this parallel system to facilitate on-going reconciliations, together with providing back-ups as an extra level of data integrity and security.


We are appointed for sales and service with all major carriers.

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Benefits RR Business / Let Us Help You Today


(561) 901~7813


(561) 901~7813


(561) 901~7813


(561) 445~7763


(561) 929~1079


(561) 901~7813

Headquartered in Florida ~ serving situs states of:

California, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, New York & Virginia and expanding where needs arise